Benefits of Pilates for Runners

Running is one of the most popular and practiced sports worldwide. Whether it be for cardiovascular benefits, stress relief or tackling weight concerns, most of us will have taken up running at one point in our life. This might explain why the statistic for injuries in runners remain so high. alongside the fact running is a high impact and repetitive sport, culturally among runners it seems normal for people to think they can pop on their trainers and head out for a 5k run after 3 months of hibernating throughout winter. 

Unfortunately our bodies are not designed for this and need conditioning in order to withstand the demands of this high impact sport. Specifically we need our muscles to have the strength, tissue responsiveness and range to reduce the risk of injury. 

So what can Pilates help us with?

  1. Core Strength

When most people talk about core, we instantly think of Brad Pitt chiselled six pack abs. However, when physiotherapists talk about core, we are more interested in the function of the deep core muscles to maintain posture and running form. Of course chiselled abs is another great benefit of pilates but for runners looking to improve their performance and reduce injuries, there are many other benefits to be gained. Stability and core strength are essential for an efficient running technique and these just happen to be the foundations of any Pilates class. Adding in a couple of core sessions to your weekly routine will be game changing we promise!

2. Pelvis and trunk stability

Our core strength is the secret weapon that provides pelvic and trunk stability to withstand the high impact demands of running. By challenging our stability during a dynamic pilates class, we are able to replicate that challenge of holding form (posture) under fatigue – like during a marathon or towards the end of a rugby game when our running technique becomes a little ‘sloppy’. We have all been there – excited to see our official race photos only to notice our bent over posture with shoulders up at our ears! Not quite the inspiring run we left the start line with! When runners start to fatigue and lose trunk control, they may start to sway side to side at the hips or trunk. This is wasted energy and causes us to slow down instead of driving energy forward. If we can improve our ability to maintain good posture over a sustained period, we are going to improve our overall efficiency and performance in a race! 

3. Endurance

Evidence would suggest that injuries are more likely to happen when poor form and kinematics happen. This tends to be at the end of a run when our muscles begin fatigue. The benefit that our tailored pilates classes have,  is the ability to replicate a similar function to running. We specifically target the key muscles needed to maintain form and alignment throughout your run and push you to the point of fatigue. We have everything from plyometrics to strength work so all necessary attributes of our muscles are addressed. 

4. mobility

Mobility for runners can often be overlooked but since running is such a repetitive high impact movement, it is crucial to maintain good muscle balance. This helps to maintain a bio-mechanically sound running gait. By getting in a small amount of running specific mobility drills, we keep niggles and injuries at bay and improve our running performance by utilising the full range of our joints. 

5. Time effective

Our platform has a full library of 10 – 45min classes allowing you to fit in what you can at the beginning or the end of a run or end of your work day without too much of a commitment alongside your marathon training schedule. Our short workouts are targeted and effective meaning you don’t have to do a lot to see the benefits in your performance.

All levels welcome

We cater to all! Whether you are a complete beginner looking for tips on form, to an elite athlete looking to elevate your performance, our specialist physiotherapists have you covered.

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On-demand membership

Carrie and Sinead are senior physiotherapists, clinical pilates instructors and avid runners with over 20years experience working within the private and sporting sectors.



Running Assessment With Physio (75Min)

Regardless of your level of running, our comprehensive running assessment can be beneficial whether you are currently injured or simply want to improve your performance. 
During the 75 minute session, our highly skilled physiotherapists will take a detailed history (including a pre-assessment form to get as much detail about your training and history as possible so that the bulk of the session can be functional); accurate strength testing and an in depth running analysis on our treadmill. 
You will also be given running tips, training techniques, a tailored exercise program for your needs and a plan for how to progress after the session. 


75 Minute Session

Womens Health

Specialist care for women throughout their pregnancy, post natal journey, menopause and beyond.

Our Women’s Health Physiotherapist’s have specialist training in Pelvic Health Physiotherapy as well as Pilates training meaning we can support you throughout your pregnancy and beyond. Our aim is to empower women with the knowledge and tools to help them feel confident in their changing bodies. 

Women’s Health Physio’s can treat conditions such as:

Urinary Incontinence

Pelvic Pain

Diastasis Recti 

Painful Sex

Scar management

Postural Changes


Initial Assesment

Mat Pilates Classes (Up to 8 people)

16/09/24 - 28/10/24

Our Mat Classes run as blocks of 7 weekly classes. When you sign up to a block, you will have the option to highlight classes you will not be here for and be issued ‘make-up class’ credits to use in other classes during the block term. These could be any mat class or Barre class that has free spaces in them.  You must use your credits within the block term.

Please click the ‘book a class’ button on our homepage for a full list of classes and descriptions which are running this block.


BEGINNER Pilates classes teach the principles and foundations of Pilates. We progressively layer exercises meaning those who have been coming for longer can be challenged yet those new to class can be guided to suit them, meaning everyone feels safely supported and challenged.

INTERMEDIATE classes build on the foundational Pilates principles and add fun and challenging sequences to further develop strength, flexibility and stability. 

PILATES FOR RUNNERS – these Physio led classes aim to progressively improve your strength, postural endurance, mobility and biomechanics to elevate your overall running performance and recovery.

PILATES FOR DANCERS classes are run by our Dance Specialist Physiotherapist Shannon and are specifically designed for children 

POST-NATAL classes are run by a specialised physiotherapist with further training in women’s health and post-natal exercise and are suitable for people with 12 week olds and up. It is a beginner to intermediate level class that promotes optimal posture, flexibility and strength, specifically focussing on abdominal and pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation. You must be cleared by your doctor for exercise and book in for an Initial Pilates assessment with a physiotherapist first. 

The Initial Assessment will also include screening for bladder, bowel, sexual pain, musculoskeletal issues or injuries, and your exercise goals and aims. Depending on these results, the physiotherapist can delve deeper into making a management plan to suit you. This assessment may also involve assessing some of the common exercises found in the class you’re going to be attending to give you a chance to practise your technique in a more supervised way. 

PRE-NATAL classes are run by a specialised physiotherapist with further training in pre & post-natal exercise and are suitable for people 2nd to 3rd trimester. It is a beginner to intermediate level class that promotes optimal posture, flexibility and strength, specifically focussing on abdominal and pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation. You must fill out a thorough screening questionnaire throughout your block and are encouraged to come for an initial 1:1 Clinical Pilates appointment first.  

FALLS PREVENTION classes are designed to promote muscle strength, bone health and improve balance to reduce the consequences of the ageing process allowing you to stay strong and functional enjoying a healthy and active lifestyle. 

ASSISTED PILATES CLASSES classes are taken by our Neuro Physiotherapist Lynnssay and are suitable for those who find movement/exercise challenging or those living with a long term health condition (such as osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia etc) which limit your ability to exercise. This class can be modified – aiming to make Pilates accessible to all.




Block of Classes

Group Reformer Classes
(Max of 6)

16th September - 28th October


Drop-in Class

Our group reformer classes have up to 6 people in them and are taken by our highly experienced Physiotherapists and Pilates Instructors. 

The use of Reformer beds, magic circles and weights are an excellent way of adding resistance to exercises, which means you get a full body program that focuses on getting the most out of the class for you.

We have a wide range of classes from beginner classes to pre & post natal reformer. We also have sports specific classes and various levels. Please follow the ‘book a class’ button on home page to see a full list of all classes currently on offer


Block of 7 Classes

Studio Pilates (1:1, 1:2 + 1:3)

Studio Pilates involves one of our highly experienced Pilates Instructors or Physiotherapists designing a personalised program that addresses your specific needs and goals. Our Studio Pilates classes are capped at three people, so you have an expert guiding you for your whole session with a more individualised approach. We will use a variety of equipment including reformer, trapeze and the barrel. All of those wishing to join studio sessions are encouraged to book in for an initial Pilates 1:1 Session first and advise you from here.  

They can take a detailed history and assessment then will go over the foundations with you, including breathing and how to activate your deep core muscles and pelvic floor correctly. They will also advise you on the best next steps, whether that might be doing a couple of 1:1 sessions first before going into classes – they will provide you with the confidence and support you need. 


Reformer 1:1


Block of 5


Reformer 2:1


Block of 5


Reformer 3:1


Block of 5

Clinical Pilates (1:1)

Clinical Pilates sessions are led by our highly skilled physiotherapists. The sessions utilise a mix of the studio equipment including reformers and trapeze table amongst others depending on your individual needs. Our physiotherapists have extensive experience and training using Pilates as an effective rehab tool and will tailor a programme to your specific needs. Whether it’s for post-natal recovery, post operative rehabilitation or an elite athlete looking for an injury prevention and sports conditioning programme, we will support you in achieving whatever your goals. Before attending these sessions, you will need to book an Initial Pilates Assessment with a Physiotherapist. 


Reformer 1:1


Block of 5


Remedial Massage

Our massage therapist uses techniques to treat muscular problems where there is significant pain or loss of movement. This style of massage is designed for the treatment of short and long term injuries. Deeply mobilising, this form of massage uses firm pressure and stretching to loosen key areas of tightness, restoring flexibility and movement 

Sports Massage 

Our massage therapist works on specific muscles, taking into account the injuries that the individuals sport may put on their body.


Sports or Remedial Massage


Our physiotherapists are trained to diagnose, manage and treat a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions and injuries. They are also skilled in continuing rehabilitation after surgery, coordinating treatment protocols, liaising with surgeons and GPs in order to achieve best possible outcomes.

We use manual therapy and hands-on techniques to assess and treat the area of discomfort. We will also help identify the factors that cause and aggravate your condition, such as postural, work and lifestyle habits and can provide exercise therapy and strategies to enhance your recovery and reduce injury recurrence.

Conditions we treat include:

  • Back and Neck pain

  • Sporting Injuries

  • Tendonpathies

  • Muscle Strains

  • Repetitive strain injuries

  • Pre/Post Natal 

  • Post-Operative

  • Sports conditioning

  • Rehabilitation


Initial Session


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